Unknown Victoria

Victoria: The Unknown City is a guidebook to an eccentric town on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. This is the author's blog. Look here for Victoria lore, updates and additions to the book, and hate mail.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Victoria's Would-Be JFK

The cover has been blown. For several weeks we've read in The Globe and Mail and other papers that Jack Worthington II, the purported illegitimate son of John F. Kennedy, has been living in British Columbia. On Friday, the detail finally came out that he's residing in Victoria.

I've known about this for a while, because a friend of mine owns the secluded house that Worthington is renting in Gordon Head. But it seems Worthington hasn't been entirely cooped up: as the Vanity Fair article investigating his claim to Yankee royalty mentions, Worthington plays regularly with the Victoria Polo Club. You can also read an account of his horsemanship on the website of Dan Pedrick, the club's secretary, posted here. Undoubtedly the numbers of their spectators will be up this coming season.

UPDATE (May 20, 2009): After Vanity Fair dismissed his claims to American royalty, Worthington left his wife in their rented Gordon Head mansion and headed to New York, where he’s now describing himself as “single” and of “JFK Issue”, according to his MySpace page.


At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Worthington remind anyone else of Victoria's infamous resident of a few years back, Baron Von Bothmer (of Rockland)?


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